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Sept. 3, 2024: How ‘Our Moon’ shaped the world

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47min 04sec
Hart Van Denburg/CPR News
The moon rises over the Continental Divide seen from near Berthoud Pass, Tuesday evening, Oct. 27, 2020.

Ever love a book so much you re-read it? That's how we think of today's encore show. "Our Moon" is the title of Rebecca Boyle's new book. She lives in Colorado Springs, where she spoke on-stage with Ryan Warner in April at Colorado College for "Turn the Page with Colorado Matters." A note that Colorado Colleges holds the license for KRCC which is operated by CPR News. The next "Turn the Page with Colorado Matters" event is Wednesday, September 11 at 6:30 pm at Love Recital Hall in Grand Junction. We've chosen "The Horse: A Galloping History of Humanity," by Tim Winegard of Colorado Mesa University.